Bishop Eddie Long Congregation Is Shrinking Due To Scandals
By Ron Collins
On March 2, 2011 Fox 5 in Atlanta reported Bishop Eddie Long is laying off staff and cutting salaries of essential staff members. Bishop Eddie Long released a statement saying the cuts are due to the down turn in the economy, but sources within the congregations say attendance has bottomed due to all the scandals that have plagued New Birth Missionary Church.
According to a spokesperson from the Preacher Bureau of Investigation (PBI) who attended New Birth’s most recent service, the once filled to capacity balcony section of the church was pretty much empty!
“There is no doubt that all of the scandals have taken a toll on this once thriving congregation, there are now empty seats throughout the sanctuary. This lesson should go out to all Pastors who feel that they can exploit their members and get away with it because God knows their heart. The members of these congregations are no longer tolerating a lack of integrity in the pulpit.”
According to Dale Russell of Fox 5 in Atlanta - Bishop Eddie Long’s $1 million love offering has gone into the general operational budget for 2011.
“When Bishop Eddie Long spoke at his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in the past, his 10,000-member congregation was often packed to the rafters and financial contributions flowed freely. But church sources say attendance is down, now forcing the church to make dramatic cutbacks.
The I-Team was first to tell you how Jamal Parris and three other young men filed a sexual misconduct suit against Bishop Long and his New Birth Missionary Baptist church. In all four of the law suits, Bishop Long denied any sexual activity.”
The announcement that Bishop Eddie Long and New Birth is making major cuts in staff comes on the heels of a donations letter sent to the members of Crenshaw Christian Center by Frederick K. C. Price also stating that their ministry donations are down $4 million from last year’s financials.
The PBI says Pastors will try to blame the drop in donations on the economy rather than face the fact that the members are no longer willing to finance their extravagant lifestyles and purchases.
For more coverage of this story and others concerning Prosperity Preachers please visit
By Ron Collins
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