Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Conference Last Weekend

I attended the Psalm 119 Conference last weekend and it was a blessing. All the speakers were very good and the information was wonderful. But what stood out to me the most was a comment by Phil Johnson. He said, "Why do preachers wear robes?" And I started thinking. And I started thinking hard... and came up with nothing.

This what he said. Preachers wear robes and preach behind big pulpits so that out attention is not on the man but on the God he proclaims. He said that the preacher was a talking head, a mouth peace for God, the preacher is only a messenger.

That is powerful. When you stand up to proclaim, are you there for you or are you there for the people that God has sovereignly place under your charge. Think hard about what it is you preach and for what reason.

Lord help me clear my motives and have a clean heart before you.

Here is a list of speakers form the conference:
Todd Friel www.wretchedradio.com
Phil Johnson teampyro.blogspot.com/
Peter Hammond www.frontline.org.za/
Justin Peters www.justinpeters.org
Paul Taylor www.answersingenesis.org/UK/
Emilio Ramos www.sovereignjoycc.com/
Go Fish www.gofishguys.com

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