Well, well, well. Tiger Woods is at it again. he has denied Brit Hume's encouragement (and well many others also) to embrace a Christian outlook on life. To fbow his knees at the feet of Jesus and accept the finished work of Jesus on the cross. As of today, HE WILL NOT!
Shameful but what are we to do. Tiger Woods believes he can save himself and is determined to try by his lifestlye. But it was that lifestyle that got him trouble in the first place.
See Tiger's website: www.tigerwoods.com/
See here: http://sports.yahoo.com/golf/blog/golf_experts/post/What-was-the-story-with-Tiger-s-Buddhism-bracele?urn=golf,229463
Tiger, there is no forgivness unless you first acknowledge your a sinner and you are and I am. What are we going to do. Cast our sins at the feet of Jesus.
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