Here are the five I would take:
1. ESV Study Bible
2. NIV Study Bible
3. NET Bible
4. NKJV MacArthur Study Bible
5. Christian Theology by Millard Erickson
I can hear the questions now, why these books? Well first off with these study bibles I have more and better information than many scholars had 100 years ago. Second, I also have five major translations and one that has a short list of major textual issues (NKJV). Also these Bibles have a wealth of extra reading material that covers many different topics related to Christianity. And while there are many great systematic theology text books out there, Erickson's is the one that (right now) most closely matches where I am theologically. As long as I had a good supply of paper and pens and a ruler I would be set for life.
Another reason I have been thinking about this is that I suffer from full blown "BOOKITIS." It commonly affects seminary students and causes great harm to ones living space.
Do I REALLY need all the books I have or do I just want them to be able to say I have a large library like every one else? So in the next year I will be getting rid of books I will never read, reading the books I know I will only read once, and limiting myself to buying only those books that are needed for references and that address a few specific topics. For example, I do not need another apologetics book at all or another systematic theology or general christian doctrine book. I do need to start buying the few commentaries and references that I need for a life time. Another thing I would love to do is read that set of great books in western history that was edited by Mortimer Adler.
Here's the hard part what would the next 5 books be? What about you? What books would you take?
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