7 Siblings Amass Nearly 400 Years of Marriage Experience
• ASSOCIATED PRESS • February 14, 2008
BROWNSBURG, Ind. — Newlyweds could probably learn a few things from the five Estes sisters and their two brothers, who collectively have lived through 391 years of marriage. In an age when nearly half of new marriages are expected to end in divorce, the seven surviving children of C.M. and Minnie Estes have all been wed 50 or more years.In an age when nearly half of new marriages are expected to end in divorce, the seven surviving child
The youngest, Sue Bass, completed the streak of golden anniversaries Saturday when she and husband Edwin marked their 50 years together in a laughter-filled banquet room, surrounded by Sue's six surviving siblings and many of the couples' 71 children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren."We're the last. We made it," Sue, 69, said after the Basses' celebratory spotlight dance. Added Edwin, 73: "The others made it and we weren't about to get beat!"
In an age when nearly half of new marriages are expected to end in divorce, the seven surviving children of C.M. and Minnie Estes have all been wed 50 or more years. Read more here - http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080214/NEWS07/80214015/0/ENT04
Well all I can say is that this is inspiring and challenging. When you read the article the key in every case was that the women stayed home to raise their families and did not go into the work force. Proverbs 31, often misquoted by the women in the African American church, is a wonderful template to have but when misapplied it becomes a swamp mired in misplaced values. Women DO have value and worth and CAN contribute to the economic well being of the family but when financial gains becomes a means to and end, a biblical perversion has been established.Do we have a place in our communities for a realignment of priorities. What would happen if we became more and more committed to our families and less committed to "bling bling." A new Lexus and a $300,000 home are wonderful gifts from God but at the cost of the spiritual, emotional and intellectual development of the children or the erosion of the marriage itself then the cost is too high.
Do we REALLY believe that God's way ids the best way or are we, in reality, trusting in ourselves? The end of Proverbs 31 says:
Pro 31:28-30 Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Yes Christians are to submit to one another and submission does not means that women are door mats to men (Fathers, brothers, husbands). But because of the results of the Fall and many other social stimuli, many relationships in our communities are combative and dangerous. We must return to a biblical worldview with God at the center and "self" crucified on the cross with Christ.
This summer my wife and I will celebrate our ninth anniversary. I long to get her out of the work force, or at least feeling that the burden of finaces rests on her shoulders and free her up to be what God wants her to be. May God help us to recognize the truth of God's word and the high call on our lives, in relationship to each other.
Nine down and 50 more to go. :-)